Wednesday 9 November 2011

Settings and Camera Shots

  • These are possible settings for our soap trailer. Although they may not all be used it is good to have a variety of settings in case one of the settings is unavailable.


Market - public place - socialisation
Pub - meeting place for the characters
Park - romantic place/social place people go to have fun
Street - ties all the settings together as it is a way to get to places
Shop - a sense of community
Home - a place of safety for the characters

  • This is a list of all the possible camera shots that we could use for our soap trailer to give variety and create an interesting trailer.

Camera Shots:

Long Shot - show all of the character
Close Up - establishing the characters face so it is recognisable by the audience
Mid Shot -
Panning Shot - following the characters point of view
Tracking Shot - follwoing the characters
Establishing Shot - introducing the characters
Dutch Tilt? - different view point?
Stationary -
Point Of View - realism - different views of characters/scenes

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