Thursday 13 October 2011

Conventions and Characters of a Soap

Soaps usually have the certain conventions:
  • Serialised Drama
  • Continuous storylines/narratives
  • Well known theme tune
  • Focus on a smaller number of characters
  • Plots are open-ended and often interlinked in an episode
  • Often set around a small, central area(e.g The Square in Eastenders)
  • At Christmas/Millenium they focus on long-departed characters
  • British soaps often feature working class characters
  • British soaps are realistic
  • Episodes often begin with a hook
  • They have a multi-stranded narrative
There seem to be certain types of characters that are common in many soaps:
  • The Grandparent figure
  • The strong woman
  • Jack - the - Lad
  • Young couple
  • Feisty young female
  • Troublesome oldie
  • The boss figure

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