Vladimir Propp was a Russian theorist who analysed folk stories. He argued that "whatever surface differences there might be in stories, it was possible to group together all characters into eight character roles".
These roles were;
- The Villain
- The Hero
- The Donor
- The Helper
- The Princess
- The Father of the Princess (who gives award to hero)
- The Despatcher
- The False Hero
Levi Strauss examined how stories unconciously reflect the values, beliefs and myths of a culture. These are usually expressed by binary oppositions. His research has been adapted by media theorists to reveal underlying themes and symbollic oppositions in media texts.
One of his examples is:
Homesteaders Native Americans
Christian Pagan
Domestic Weak
Weak Strong
Garden Wilderness
Inner Society Outside Society
Tzvetan Todorov II
Todorov was a theorist of narrative. It is often divided into three areas but the theory is only complete when we consider the transformations bewteen these stages.
Stage One: Equilibrium - all is in order
Stage Two: A disruption of the ordered state by an event
Stage Three: Recognition that a disruption has taken place
Stage Four: An attempt to repair the damage
Stage Five: A return to a new kind of Equilibrium
Roland Bartes
Bartes said stories told through 5 different codes;
Action Codes - a narrative device by which a resolution is produced through action e.g shoot out.
Enigma Codes - a narratice device that teases the audience by presenting a puzzle or riddle to be solved.
Symbolic - Connotation
Semic - Denotation
Cultural - a narrative device which the audience can recognise as being part of a culture. e.g a "made man" in a gangster film is part of the mafia culture.
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