Thursday 6 October 2011

Whats On Tv Annotation

The colour scheme of red and white draws emphasis to the name of the magazine. It also makes it feel like a newspaper and more professional. The name of the magazine is in the left hand corner of the page because naturally you read it from left to right so it would be the first thing you would read.

This is the main story headline which goes with the dominant main image. It is in bright colours so it draws the readers attention.

Dominant/Main Image
The dominant/main image covers 3/4 of the page. You can mainly just see their heads because the reader is then able to try and read their facial expressions so see if they fit in with the strapline.

This coverline stands out because it is yellow and red and there is a spiky pattern around the picture. It is also on the left hand side of the page so it would be natural to look at it. The picture itself gives the illusion that he is already in jail however you can that they are animated. This creates a sense of realism.

Although the strapline of this says 'DIVORCE' the picture behind it suggests different things. It could be suggesting that it wont be as simple as it sounds. This makes the reader want to read the full story inside.

This is a coverline that covers another story that isnt to do with a soap. This enables the reader to have a break from reading about the soapsand it also portrays an image that the magazine supports all different types of programmes. 

They have to show the date so that people know when to next buy the magazine.

This is to lure readers into buying the magazine. It persuades people to buy the magazine because it gives a family a chance to wina better holiday.

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