Thursday 8 December 2011

Results from Questionnaire

After making our questionnaire we asked the Year 12 Media Students to watch our soaps and give us feedback on them. Some of the feedback isn't as detailed as I would like but I still get an idea of whether people liked my product and what I could do to improve.

Questions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10;

This table shows the results for the questions 1-7 and 10. Most of the people who filled out a questionnaire said that my product looked like a real media product and there was only a small percentage that said that it wasn't a trailer of a soap. On a lot of the questions the answers were one sided however for question 4 half of the class said that they liked the text with the voiceovers, however half of them didn't.

Questions 8 and 9;

Questions 8 and 9 were slightly different because they required people to write there answers instead of saying yes and no. What is shwon in the table above is a collection of all th answers written into a passage that I am able to understand. Some people said the same points so there wasn't any need for me to rewrite some of the points. 

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