Thursday 2 February 2012

Soap Trailer: Poster

This is my poster for my soap trailer.I have included pictures of the main characters so that people will know what characters to look for when watching my soap. I have used the original road sign of "Avenue Road" to create some realism. Underneath it is the tagline "there's two sides to every story" which relates to the synergy because the taglin appears in the soap trailer at the end with the last voiceover.
The 'BBC one' logo is in the corner because that is the channel which our soap would appear on once it was aired. This also means that the audience would know what channel to look on to watch our soap. I have told the audience when the soap will be on, "Monday - Friday at 6:00pm" which means that they will know when the soap is on.
I have given the audience all the information that they need to know about when the soap is on, what channel it is on and also part of the synergy.

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